
Welcome, hackers, you’re being transferred to Eden City to defend its citizens against the alien threat! Eden Survivor is a single-player survivor-like auto-shooter where players must defeat hordes of alien invaders until the extraction time. How would they do so? Easy, jumping into deadly mechs and never standing still!

Choose your pilot

Defending the city from outer space horrors requires special battle gear. Players will be able to choose a pilot linked to a specific mech, featuring different combat and passive abilities. The more they play, the more they understand the advantages of each pilot and their mech, to customize it at their will.

Bullet hell battleground

Players will be transferred to a large map where hordes of enemies will spawn until the extraction time comes to zero. They will need to use the environment to overcome the never-stop alien legions while dodging the incoming enemy fire and melee attacks.

Auto-shooter mechanics

As a mech pilot, your main goal is to keep moving and never stand still in the same place! Your mech will fire automatically while you move through the ruins of Eden City. You will be able to choose between different perks and weapons as the game progresses, allowing you to choose your combat style.

An extension of the Eden metauniverse

Eden Survivors takes place in the same digital world as Eden Genesis, but as a video game inside the very universe of the first title. This means that players will play as Leah Anderson and other hackers who have joined an online game, Eden Survivors. The initial release features the following: – 4 pilots with unique play-style – Perk trees with 64 unique nodes – 75 skills – 14 enemy types and 3 bosses Eden Survivors will receive new content and features based on the feedback from the community during its Early Access period. Gear up, hackers, there’s a city to defend and tons of enemies to destroy ;)


    • 操作系统: Windows 10
    • 处理器: Intel i5-7400 | AMD Ryzen 3 3200G
    • 内存: 8 GB RAM
    • 显卡: Nvidia GTX 750 | AMD Radeon HD 7770
    • DirectX 版本: 11
    • 存储空间: 需要 10 GB 可用空间
    • 操作系统: Windows 10
    • 处理器: Intel i7-7700 | AMD Ryzen 7 1700X
    • 内存: 8 GB RAM
    • 显卡: Nvidia GTX 1070 | Radeon RX Vega 56
    • DirectX 版本: 11
    • 存储空间: 需要 10 GB 可用空间

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