
《Witchfire》的基调毫无疑问是黑暗的。有些虚构作品在打造「女巫世界」的世界观时,会拿著名的童话故事当模板,但 The Astronauts 创作的世界观却植根于古老的异教故事,以及对基督教教会历史进行的古怪改编。


Skill and knowledge are essential for success against the Witch of the Black Sea and her witchfire-fueled army. If you die, return to the battlefield for a one-time chance to reclaim what you lost, or attack again with a new plan.


Explore vast, immersive biomes and choose your battleground to confront the witch’s forces. Each completed encounter strengthens you and your arsenal through the roguelite system called Arcana. There are countless ways to build your preyer and dominate the witch.


Only the most wicked sinners are transformed into preyers, undead assassins sustained by witchfire flowing through their veins. In the base of operations known as the Hermitory, you can choose from a wide selection of distinctive weapons, spells, and artifacts to build your own preyer.


On each expedition, you can extract your looted items or, if you feel confident, confront the witch’s Familiar to unlock new areas and powerful items and upgrades.


Piece together a story from the past to save the future. Investigate ships crashing on the verge of the witch’s land and locate the artifact that can tip the scales in the ongoing war between the Church and the witches.


During the Early Access period, Witchfire will undergo changes, including new areas, enemies, weapons, and tools of destruction. Help us shape the game to reach its full potential!

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