
The SCP Foundation has gone dark. Disturbing intel from one of the many Foundation sites, Area-12, an underground biological research and containment facility in West Virginia, has been forwarded to an anomalous branch of the FBI, the Unusual Incidents Unit (UIU).

Upon arrival the UIU are ambushed and trapped within Area-12 by a facility wide lock-down, leaving you alone and without backup. For reasons yet unclear, Area-12 has adopted a new agenda: creating weaponized hybrids of anomalous creatures. Now the UIU must get to the bottom of “why” and stop them before these monstrosities are unleashed on innocent civilians.

Anomalies are reality-defying objects, artifacts and creatures that inhabit the cracks in our world. These anomalies are what the SCP Foundation was supposed to contain; and their anomalous nature makes them dangerous to the likes of you.

  • SCP-173-B // The Sculpture

  • SCP-610 // The Flesh that Hates

  • SCP-7528 // Screen Anomaly

  • SCP-1262 // Seed of Destruction

  • SCP-3199 // Humans Refuted

  • SCP-621 // Hypnobulbs

  • SCP-098 // Surgeon Crabs

  • SCP-7566 // Door Squid

Within Area-12, there are reports of the Foundation experimenting with hybrid anomalies; brutal SCP combinations, bred for ultimate destruction.

  • Vx-026 // Infector

  • Vx-349 // Resonator

  • Raid on Area-12 // UIU Operatives infiltrate Area-12, West Virginia, which is at the center of disturbing events surrounding the SCP Foundation // 4-6 players

  • Ghosts of the South Gate // GOC Investigate a remote research outpost, NSIS-4, Antarctica after receiving intel from UIU operatives at Area-12 about development of a ‘biological weapon’ // 4-6 players

  • Raid on Outpost Axiom // 1-8 players

  • Outpost Axiom PvP // 2-16 players

  • Wave Survival Testing // 1-8 players

  • Weapons Testing // 1-6 players

  • PvP Testing // 4-14 players

  • Tactical Gunplay // Grounded tactical combat utilizing vaulting, peeking corners, breaching doors, and detailed weapon customization

  • Investigation // Observe your surroundings to look for clues that will help you complete your objectives and find valuable resources or additional intel

  • Lore + Reporting // Take in as much or as little lore as you like by not only choosing what documents and audio logs you are collecting and observing with your tablet, but also what you find interesting enough to report over radio to your ToC

  • Immersive Audio // Detailed audio design with occlusion-based wall muffling and spatialized/proximity voice chat

  • Take advantage of NVIDIA® DLSS, NVIDIA® NIS, and AMD® FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) for enhanced visual performance.

  • Ultra-wide support for an immersive gaming experience.


开发者对内容描述如下: The game features intense scenes of blood, gore, and graphic dismemberment. It also explores mature story themes, including terrorism, which are intended for mature audiences. We advise individuals who have experienced traumatic events to refrain from playing SCP: 5K.


    • 需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
    • 操作系统: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
    • 处理器: 6 physical cores @ 3GHz or higher
    • 内存: 12 GB RAM
    • DirectX 版本: 11
    • 存储空间: 需要 30 GB 可用空间
    • 附注事项: Subject to change, not final. Do not expect good performance with integrated graphics.
    • 需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
    • 操作系统: Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
    • 处理器: 8 physical cores @ 3.5GHz or higher
    • 内存: 16 GB RAM
    • DirectX 版本: 12
    • 网络: 宽带互联网连接
    • 存储空间: 需要 80 GB 可用空间
    • 附注事项: Subject to change, not final. Do not expect good performance with integrated graphics.

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