
在《FAIRY TAIL 闯迷宫》中操控《妖精的尾巴》的角色, 在有限的步数内探索迷宫, 结合战术构建牌组,讨伐袭击而来的敌人, 向迷宫的最深处进发。


纳兹和哈比发现一扇神奇的门忽然出现在公会的地下, 门的后方是一座掠夺入侵者的力量的神秘迷宫。 遭遇魔物袭击陷入绝境的纳兹和哈比因【拉比】而得救, 在得知拉比正在寻找某位朋友后,纳兹和哈比决定闯入迷宫的最深处。


从手持的牌组中选择攻击、防御或魔法等卡牌出击。 通过战斗报酬或宝箱获取魔法卡牌强化牌组。 按特定顺序使用卡牌发动“魔法联动”打出高伤害。 在宝灯耗尽前探索迷宫,解锁强力技能吧。 如果幸运的话,还会获得其他公会成员的帮助。 即便战斗失败也可以使用探索获得的分数, 解锁“护符”,让接下来的进攻更有优势。 坚持不断地挑战吧。


每个角色都有各自的战斗方式和擅长的技能。 例如攻守皆可的纳兹、巧用星灵特性的奇效组合发挥强项的露西以及运用多样的造型魔法,谋求战略性战斗的格雷等。 掌握各个角色的战术,获取战斗优势吧。


利用单人迷宫培养3名角色,组成小队向迷宫最深处进发。 在迷宫内可获得强化小队能力的魔导书。 而终极头目竟然是《妖精的尾巴》的作者真岛HIRO老师特别为本作设计的独创角色。


由参与《圣剑传说》等音乐制作的菊田裕树老师负责。 以展现《妖精的尾巴》世界观的凯尔特旋律为灵感, 利用音乐为战斗和过场动画添彩。

“FAIRY TAIL: DUNGEONS” Video Submission Guidelines

The “FAIRY TAIL: DUNGEONS” Video Submission Guidelines (hereinafter referred to as the “Guidelines”) are designed for users to submit videos (details are provided below) of the game content “FAIRY TAIL: DUNGEONS” (hereinafter referred to as the “Game”). The following guidelines are set forth in this document (Includes live streaming distribution). Users may post videos of themselves playing the “Game” by following the Guidelines. Users are not required to contact us individually when they post videos of their games in accordance with these guidelines. ■Play videos that can be posted Users may submit videos of players, including themselves, playing the Game in accordance with these Guidelines (videos that do not include the users themselves are not subject to these Guidelines). In addition, when posting such videos, you may use screenshots of the Game in the thumbnails accompanying such videos (These are hereinafter collectively referred to as “Play Videos”). ■Editing Play Videos You may edit and process the videos you post, and use them in so-called “Live game play” by combining them with your face and voice. In this case, the following three conditions must be observed: ➀You may not extract only some of the elements included in the game, such as background music or images of characters. ➁You may not infringe on the rights of any third party by processing or editing the video of your play. ➂Any other excessive editing or processing that prevents a correct understanding of the contents of this game is prohibited. ■Prohibited items when posting play videos The following actions are prohibited when posting videos of users playing the game. In addition, regardless of whether or not the following prohibited acts are applicable, please delete your submission as soon as possible upon request from the Company. Posting for commercial purposes. However, monetization using the system on the posted video distribution site shall not be regarded as a commercial purpose, as long as it is interpreted in accordance with these guidelines. Submission for the purpose of religious or political activities. Including contents that are offensive to public order and morals, or combining them with illegal information. Unauthorized reproduction of videos created by third parties other than the user.


    • 需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
    • 操作系统: Windows 10 / 11
    • 处理器: Core-i5
    • 内存: 8 GB RAM
    • 显卡: Internal
    • DirectX 版本: 10
    • 存储空间: 需要 500 MB 可用空间
    • 需要 64 位处理器和操作系统
    • 操作系统: Windows 10 / 11
    • 处理器: Core-i7
    • 内存: 8 GB RAM
    • 显卡: Internal
    • DirectX 版本: 10
    • 存储空间: 需要 500 MB 可用空间

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