It’s been a few years since the zombpocalypse turned the world’s cities into graveyards and sent the few survivors into hiding. Now you must gather them up and restore civilization to a ruined city, one building at a time. Rebuild 3 is a strategy sim with a good helping of narrative and dark humor. It’ll make you fond of your survivors before you send them to their deaths for the greater good. As you expand your fort to new buildings, you’ll decide between farms or fortifications, housing or hospitals, and make tough decisions to fend off raiders, illness, starvation, and madness. And the dead are still out there wandering the streets, hungrier than ever.Features
- 4X style strategy and city (re)building
- Endless replayability with randomized cities and events
- Survivors with individual skills, perks, relationships, and stories
- Rival NPC forts with their own agendas, friendly or otherwise
- Campaign Mode, a journey through cities of increasing size and difficulty
- Strategic fort defense and interactive attacks
- Play in either real-time or turn-based mode
- 5 skills: defense, leadership, scavenging, building, engineering
- 30 missions: scavenge for food, kill zombies, fish, trade, bartend, craft…
- 35 node research tree
- 50 building types with unique uses and/or scavengeable resources
- 200,000 words of event text – enough to fill two novels
Bonus features in the Deluxe Survivalist Edition
- Desktop version of Rebuild 1 (previously only available in browsers)
- Desktop version of Rebuild 2 (including “winter” mobile content)
- 5 bonus professions for your main leader
- 5 corresponding unique items
- PDF artbook
- 操作系统 *: Windows XP +
- 处理器: 1.6Ghz
- 内存: 1 GB RAM
- 显卡: Most cards. Check here:
- 存储空间: 需要 200 MB 可用空间
* 2024 年 1 月 1 日(PT)起,Steam 客户端将仅支持 Windows 10 及更新版本。
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