
A grim world will be generated… Explore everything from bare deserts… … to snow covered mountains. Recruit blacksmiths, brutal pirates, noble intellectuals and everything in between. They will all struggle to survive in a world overrun by the undead… … and you will be their guide! A game inspired by Rimworld, Dwarf Fortress and Terraria:
  • All humans have unique portraits, different backgrounds and come from distinct cultures. They will develop and age as the seasons change and the years pass.
  • They all have different skills and abilities; some will become expert miners, great counsellors, and others master blacksmiths.
  • Manage their needs, set their priorities and equip them for war or work. They will eat, sleep, socialize, create art, fight and abandon your faction if pushed too hard. They might return later, but as a friendly visitor or leading an attack?
  • Defend your settlement from hordes of undead, bandits, large raiding parties and necromancers.
  • Mine for riches deep below the surface, discover ancient shrines and powerful magic.
  • Start practicing necromancy, raise the dead and have them work for you – see if you can defend your faction from paladins instead! Or maybe harness the powers of light and try to banish the undead for good!
  • Craft a huge variety of weapons, armor and clothes from all kinds of materials.
  • Plant crops and later harvest to create food and medicine.
  • Hunt animals, or tame them to produce milk and fur.
  • Grow your knowledge by plenty of research options. All the way from longbows to muskets and grenades.
  • Trade with visiting merchants, convince them to join your settlement or plunder them if you wish!
  • Create caravans, travel the world by land or sea; discover new locations and establish new settlements.
PS: This game is in the same franchise as Grim Nights. However, this game will focus less on tower defense and much more on your villagers and the management of your growing settlement. (Also: This game was previously called ‘Grim Nights 2’. Long story short: the name was changed because it is too different to easily be considered a sequel.)


    • 操作系统: Windows 10
    • 处理器: Intel i3 CPU m370 2.40GHz
    • 内存: 2 GB RAM
    • 显卡: Ati mobility radeon HD 5000
    • 存储空间: 需要 600 MB 可用空间

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